Code of Behaviour (Underage)
This is the link to the current GAA Code of Behaviour (Underage) GAA Code Of Behaviour (Underage)
There is now a major emphasis on the Code of Behaviour and we ask all Club Children’s Officers to be familiar with the contents of the Code and encourage the Club to inform their members, coaches and officials of its contents and where possible to upload it, without amendment, to their club website.
It includes GAA policies on Social Media, Anti-Bullying, Travel and other relevant information in the area of Child Protection and Safeguarding. There is no need whatsoever for a Club to go writing their own Code. This Code has been agreed between each of the Gaelic Games Associations and that is the Code as referred to in rule.
If a case is taken regarding a breach of a Club Code as opposed to the Gaelic Games Associations’ Code it cannot be taken as per the guidance for Dealing with Breaches of the Code of Behaviour as that document is drafted solely in the context of the Gaelic Games Associations’ Code.
The revised Code also contains a new legally proofed Child/Youth Membership form, the contents of which Clubs are advised to use. It is Appendix 1 of the Code page 62
Any changes to the Code during the year will appear on through the above link.
Dealing With Allegations Or Concerns Of Abuse
There is an important document for all clubs, entitled ‘Guidance for dealing with and reporting allegations or concerns of abuse’, and officers should familiarise themselves with the information. It is recommended that clubs adopt this policy at a club meeting. Click on the link below for more:
Vetting list
An up to date vetting list should be with all clubs. If a club has not received it please contact the county secretary or children’s officer.
The list contains a full account of all persons vetted in your club since e-vetting commenced. Please ensure that under GDPR this information is only given out on a need to know basis.
The following is the link to GAA E vetting which each club must fill out to begin the vetting process for members who have not been vetted to date:
If your club still needs to have members Safeguarded please arrange to run a course in your club. This is now compulsory for all who work with underage.
Governance Documents
Offaly GAA has adopted a series of policies relevant to governance and best practise in the GAA, some of which are included below:
GAA Social Media Policy And Guidelines
Offaly GAA Conflict of Interest Policy
Offaly GAA Data And Confidentiality Policy
Offaly GAA Executive Code of Conduct
GAA Official Guide & Club Constitution
Clubs should be aware of the GAA Official Guide and Club Constitution
GAA Corporate Trustee
There is also a valuable information pack on the GAA Corporate Trustee scheme
GAA Corporate Trustee Information Pack
GDPR Handbook
A handbook is available for GAA Clubs who wish to learn more about GDPR